GHS Baseball Dugout Club

About the Dugout Club

The Guilford Dugout Club is a 501(c)(3), volunteer organization whose mission is to continually improve the experience for players, coaches, parents and fans of the Guilford High School Baseball Teams, by raising capital to fund the various costs of the program. Many of these costs are not covered by the school and through fundraising events, activities and sponsorships, the Dugout Club provides financial assistance to cover these expenses. We are proud to support the goals of the GHS Baseball Program while encouraging and facilitating good will and sportsmanship throughout the entire GHS Baseball Community.

Make a Donation!

You can make a one-time or recurring donation with a PayPal or Venmo account. Click one of the buttons to be taken to our PayPal or Venmo donation page on their respective sites. Thank you in advance for your generosity!


The Dugout Club meets approximately once per month and meetings are typically held virtually, online. All members of the Guilford High School Baseball Community are encouraged to attend these meetings and bring their ideas, talents and abilities, or simply learn how they can assist with our efforts. The Club welcomes anyone and everyone that would like to help us improve the GHS Baseball experience.

If you would like to attend the next online meeting, please use the link below to email the Club President for information and a link to the next meeting.

Board of Directors


Mission Statement

The Guilford Dugout Club's mission is to foster an environment that inspires student athletes, coaches, parents and the community to collectively create a positive and spirited atmosphere for all. We are volunteers who wish to serve and lead by example. We support through fundraising, stand behind strong moral character and good sportsmanship, promote a winning school spirit through athletics and encourage attendance.

The Guilford Dugout Club is a group of parent volunteers with student athletes currently attending GHS. With the help of school administrators, the mission is to enrich the Guilford High School baseball community by providing financial support to the Freshman, Junior Varsity and Varsity programs; this is done by funding areas of need that are not fully covered by the school. We are dedicated to the continued support of our student athletes and coaching staff. In addition to financial support, the Guilford Dugout Club recognizes that participation in high school athletics benefits everyone and promotes opportunities to build and strengthen relationships among all involved: the student body, coaches, teaching staff, parents and the community. We strive to support athletic and academic excellence, create a winning school spirit, promote team unity, and maintain the history and tradition of excellence for all student athletes at Guilford High School.

Your participation in the Guilford Dugout Club helps support this mission!


  Dugout Club By Laws - .pdf